The weather forecast for the next two nights is potentially cold enough for frost. Due to this, if you have peppers, tomatoes or tender herbs like basil still out in your garden plot, plan to pick them before this evening. I will go out and collect any of these plants from the community plots. There is basil in the round flower bed. I will pick that if no one gets to it before I do. I will save it if anyone contacts me to ask for it. Let me know if you want it. I will likely dry it if no one claims it.
Community Action has taken over the old shed, and it is no longer available to us. Please remember to use the compost bins rather than the pile behind the old shed. The turner is located out by the bins. Any vegetation may be left in your plot. If you have sunflowers or cornstalks, it is helpful if you cut them down or knock them down so they can decompose on the ground. If you have fences, posts or any string/wire try to get those moved out of your plots before the beginning of November, when we will rake leaves onto the plots. In a week or two I will move the hose into the shed. If you have forgotten the code for opening the key box on the shed, please contact me or call the church office. Remember that anything you store in the shed is considered community property, so if you have personal materials like fencing, take it home so it is not taken by someone else next spring.
Thank you for a really good gardening year! The gardens looked fantastic all year long. I hope you all found the season rewarding. I will send reminders in the spring to get things going then.