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  • Caroline Abbott

New Plans for Spring 2023

This spring I am planning to add four raised beds to the garden. Each bed will be four feet wide and eight feet long. They will each be 18" tall, with a top border wide enough to sit on for the gardener to tend the garden. These beds will serve several purposes. The first is that we will be able to use space that we cannot till because there is a hard pan underneath where I think a driveway was once located. The second is for gardeners who find it too hard to bend and kneel to garden, this will make it more comfortable and accessible. The third is that for small critters like rabbits, it will be harder to eat the garden crops. I can't speak for deer...

I will have help preparing the beds from the OHS RISE students who helped me re-furbish the flower bed. We will begin work in mid-March. Between now and then, I am trying to find businesses to donate materials for the beds. If any of you have leads and would like to pass them along, please let me know.

We will start with four of these beds the first year, but there is room to add more in the future if we find them successful. If you want to "reserve" one of these beds for the coming gardening year, please let me know. I am giving preference to those who find the traditional bending, kneeling, stooping, required for gardening to be difficult. There is some slight differences in management for a raised bed, so I will ask each person who gets one assigned to be willing to adopt a few different methods to make it successful. I will give all the information when the season starts. Any materials needed will be provided.

As it gets closer to spring, I will send ask for people to commit to a plot. This year I will not assign a plot unless you meet me in person at the garden. If you already know you will want one for this season, let me know. If you have a preference of location, let me know that, too. I will be posting more information and the progress on our raised beds as things move along.

Keep dreaming of spring! This is a good time of year to order seeds from garden catalogs.

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