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Why you need to fence...

Caroline Abbott

Yes, these are baby bunnies! Aren't they cute? Do you know where this nest is? It is in the "community" raised bed, the one closest to the road. I guess momma bunny thought it was a pretty safe place to have her brood. So, remember to plan ahead and fence in your plot to keep these cuties from snacking on your plants. Deer also come into our garden, but usually don't bother it much until things are further along in the growing season.

Most returning gardeners have marked off their plots even if they are not starting to plant yet. If you have not yet, let me know. There are extra blank signs and a marker in the shed if you need to re-make your sign. Everyone who currently has their plot marked off has a sign.

I have seed potatoes left over from my own potatoes available if you would like some to plant in your plot. Please let me know ASAP if you would like some. I will also be offering them to others, so first come first served. It is an appropriate time to plant them. I have two varieties - Red Pontiac and German Butterball. Both were grown in my home garden organically last season.

I will be transplanting tomato plants in my greenhouse next week. I will offer to anyone who wants to bring some soil and a pot to take extra transplants home for free. You will need to keep them sheltered for a couple more weeks before putting them out in the ground. Please let me know if you are interested in these.

There is still a lot of unassigned space in the garden. Spread the word to anyone you may know that may want a plot.

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