As we look forward to the 2022 spring gardening season, I am thinking of what has worked, what didn't work and how we can improve the gardening experience for this coming season. The first thing I would like to seriously improve is our compost pile. Early in the season I will probably call a work day to organize the current compost pile and construct some walls to make a three part composting system. We will then use it in a way that really works to help with the garden fertility and also keep garden waste contained and working itself down into something useable and productive for the garden. The second change is we will move to a personal animal control system. That means that the deer fence around the whole area was very difficult to maintain and wasn't terribly effective, so for this year, each gardener will have to put up their own critter barriers. The last new idea is for future expansion. We have maxed out the useable area on the Court St. property, so if we have a lot of interest and more people than we can accommodate there, we will start a second garden located on 15th St. (Wilmott when it leaves town to the south) just south of the city limits. This is the church's parsonage property and we have room there to expand over time. If we don't need that area this year, but anticipate we may in the future, we may begin to prepare the plot area by tilling and planting cover crops.
If you are planning on a plot this year, contact us through the contact page. This is a good time of year to purchase seeds. Gardening has become very popular in the past two years and seed availability gets tight as the season approaches.